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A saline drench formulated to provide high levels of B vitamins, (essential for the energy production processes during strenuous exercise), the high levels of electrolytes, added energy in the form of volatile fatty acids (which do not produce lactic acid when metabolised for energy), and the potent antioxidant, Vitamin E, (for maximum antioxidant effect and muscle recovery).

Each 300g sachet provides - Vitamin B Complex, the balanced electrolytes Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Chloride, Sulphates, Propionate, Acetate, Citrate and Vitamin E 2,000iu, all in rapid and completely water-soluble form.

A saline drench formulated to provide high levels of B vitamins, (essential for the energy production processes during strenuous exercise), the highest levels of balanced electrolytes currently available, added energy in the form of volatile fatty acids (which do not produce lactic acid when metabolised for energy), and the potent antioxidant, Vitamin E, (for maximum antioxidant effect and muscle recovery).
Kentucky Gold Saline Drench is of particular value whenever horses are fed high levels of grain and concentrate feeds, which are usually deficient in B vitamins.
Suitable for all classes of horse, this saline drench concentrate may be used before racing, eventing, endurance, jumping, hacking or any pleasure event, especially when temperatures are high and sweating is likely. Always ensure adequate fresh, clean drinking water is readily available after administration. Kentucky Gold Saline Drench can safely be administered in conjunction with other supplements, and may be used in assisting recovery from illness, injury, surgery or other medical conditions, as required.

Kentucky Gold Saline Drench may be given mixed well into feed, or by mixing with a small volume of water for oral administration. Kentucky Gold Saline Drench is of particular value in combination with BC5aa or Alpha Aminos in horses prone to muscle soreness and tying up, or poor recovery after exercise.

Administration of a saline drench before strenuous exercise ensures that body fluid balance, energy production processes and antioxidant protection are all operating at optimum levels so muscle recovery will be as rapid as possible.

Kentucky Gold Saline Drench provides the highest levels of balanced electrolytes available, plus highly available volatile fatty acids for energy without acidosis, antioxidants for cell protection, and the complete range of B vitamins for maximum energy production from the ration. Kentucky Gold Saline Drench is rapidly and completely water soluble, even in cold water.

